What is love
you ask while drying dishes.
is this
an act of love
there can be love
in each room of the human heart
where years of
sheets shambolic
each touch
cloudy with the dust of tiny deceits
whisper / peace
whisper / gentleness
whisper into these private demesnes:
once there was love
and good intentions
and a first Christmas tree
and second-hand grief
this sand at the bottom of the tub
is kindness;
the fleas leaping from the couch, goodness;
screen door that slams, a challenge
even lobbing screams like cannon fodder
part-time and full:
lamentation / today
rearranged / tomorrow
for an ode that is riven heart
love must be what we find in the silence
of a drive home from burying
a friend: gone
too soon the dirt,
the shovels, thousands
these mourners who know what love is
no question at all.