The rich like to lecture you about the much-vaunted virtues of meritocracy
while they slip fat stacks of greasy bills into the plump-fingered hands
of corrupt admissions officers ensconced at elite ivy-draped universities.

The rich like to lecture you about the value of hard work
while you put in grueling 12-hour days and they’re out and about
on yachts and pleasure cruises and pristinely groomed golf courses.

The rich like to lecture you about the deserved and the undeserved
while they, by happenstance, inherit great wealth and greater privilege,
while everyone else labors to a bone-weary dullness for scraps and crumbs.

The rich like to lecture you about the supremacy of opportunity for all
while they have an opportunity to dine at chef-driven places where still water is served in wine glasses
and you have a chance to have your beloved spouse grouse about how you never eat dinner before 8.